Christel is involved in tax law. Her expertise covers mergers and acquisitions, LBOs, group restructurings, and management packages’ structuration. She has also developed significant experience in assisting corporations with their tax audits and litigations.
Christel began her career in 2002 at Andersen Legal, then EY Law and later joined White & Case in 2005. She co-founded in 2012 SLVF, which eventually merged with Viguié Schmidt to become Viguié Schmidt & Associés in July 2017.
She is a member and a former board member of the A3F (Association Française des Femmes Fiscalistes) and a member of the IACF (Institut des Avocats Conseils Fiscaux). Christel holds a D.J.C.E (post-graduate degree in business law) from Université de Cergy-Pontoise and a graduate degree in business law from Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne). She also graduated from ESSCA business school, where she majored in Audit/Expertise.